meoof Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy will be released and effective on September 1, 2021. From that date, this privacy policy can provide details on how we manage the privacy of the personal information you disclose when using the "meoof" App (also known as "Mi Ao Life") and all devices and services connected to the "meoof" App (also known as "Mi Ao Life" App). Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy and let us know if you have any questions.

We promise to you that this privacy policy specifies how Guangzhou Mi Ao Culture Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "meoof" or "us") collects, uses, discloses, processes, and protects the information you provide to us through the "meoof" APP when using our products and services. If we ask you to provide certain information to verify your identity when using the "meoof" App and services, we will strictly comply with this privacy policy and our user terms and conditions to use this information. 

This privacy policy is formulated with full consideration of your needs and you have a comprehensive understanding of our personal information collection and usage practices, and you can be sure that you ultimately control all personal information provided to meoof, which is crucial.

In this privacy policy, "personal information" refers to all data that can directly or indirectly identify a specific person when combined with other information about that person that meoof can access. Such personal information includes but is not limited to information and device information provided or uploaded by you.

By using the "meoof" App and services, you agree that you have read and accepted all the terms described in this privacy policy, including any changes that we regularly make. In addition, in order to comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as the "Method for Determining Illegal and Improper Collection and Use of Personal Information by Apps," we promise to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We also promise to ensure that all of our employees fulfill these obligations.

Finally, what we hope is to bring the best experience to our users. If you have any questions about the data processing practices summarized in this privacy policy, please contact us at so that we can process your request. We are happy to answer your questions directly.


Which information will be collected and how will we use this information? 

Categories of collected information 

In order to provide you with our services, we may ask you to provide personal information necessary to provide you with our services. If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services. We will only collect necessary information for clearly defined, legitimate purposes, and ensure that these information will not be processed in a way that is inconsistent with the above purposes. We may collect the following categories of information (whether or not they are personal information): 

1.  Information provided by you or uploaded by you: "meoof" App account information (such as your security-related information, name, date of birth, gender, hereinafter referred to as "meoof account"), data or materials that may be synchronized to the meoof platform from devices that you may access, accounts and related settings created on the meoof platform, and devices added or messages, feedback, etc. sent by you. 

2.  Handheld terminal or SIM card related information: We may collect information related to the handheld terminal that runs meoof, such as SDK/API/JS code version, browser, Internet service provider, application identifier, application version, application distribution channel, independent device identifier, iOS advertising identifier (IDFA), Android advertising main identifier, network card (MAC) address, DID, firmware version, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), device model, terminal manufacturer, terminal device operating system version, session start/stop time, language location, time zone and network status (WiFi, etc.). 

3.  Location information (only applicable to specific services/functions): Various information related to your location, such as area and country codes, city codes, mobile network codes, mobile device country codes, cell identification codes, region names, latitude and longitude information, time zone settings and language settings. 

4.  Login information: Information related to your use of certain functions, mobile applications and websites, such as cookies and other anonymous identifier technologies, IP addresses, network request information, temporary message history, standard system logs and system crash information, etc. 

5.  Data recorded by the device: When you use the "meoof" app to synchronize device data, we will record your pet's information, including activity information, sleep, heart rate, weight, etc. 

6.  Other Information: Environmental Characteristic Value (ECV) (a numerical value generated by meoof account, phone ID, connected Wi-Fi account, and location information) 

7.  Account Credentials: Information about your account credentials, such as passwords, associated email addresses, etc. 

8.  Camera Permission (only applicable to specific services/features): Used for user avatar, pet image settings, etc. 


The personal information collected may be used in the following ways: 

The purpose of collecting personal information is to provide you with products and/or services and to ensure compliance with applicable laws. You hereby agree that we may process personal information for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy and disclose personal information to our affiliated companies (involving communication, social media, technology, and cloud services) and third-party service providers (as defined below).


We may use your personal information for the following purposes: 

1. Provide, process, maintain, improve, and develop our goods and/or services, as well as services provided through devices or the "meoof" app. 

2. Communicate with you regarding your device, services or any general inquiries (such as updates, device firmware/software upgrades, customer consultation support, relevant information, notifications, etc.). 

3. Conduct marketing-related activities, such as providing marketing and promotional materials and updates. For more information on marketing and promotion activities, please refer to the section titled "Direct Marketing." 

4. Analyze and develop statistical information related to the use of our products and services in order to better improve our products and services. 

5. Store and maintain information related to you for the operation of our business or to fulfill legal obligations. 

6. Provide local services without the need to communicate with our servers.


Regarding how we use your information (which may include personal information), below is more detailed information:

1. Creating your meoof account: The personal information collected when creating an account through our mobile devices is used to establish a user's personal account and profile page.

2. Providing location-based services: When using meoof and accessing devices connected to meoof, we may use location information to determine the device's time zone in order to accurately display the time in the device and log in to the service area. You can enter the device settings at any time or stop using this application to turn off this feature.

3. Device access: Devices operate through the APP and therefore require verification of the device's authenticity. We need to verify the device's legal identity by verifying the factory MAC and DID information. In addition, when the device needs to connect to the network, the APP needs to make corresponding network settings for the device. In this process, you need to enter the corresponding Wi-Fi name and password, and this information is only used for device networking. The Wi-Fi and password data you fill in will be encrypted and stored locally on the device, and will not be uploaded to the server. You can enter the device at any time to delete this information. At the same time, we need to select the best network connection method for the device by judging the IP and network signal to ensure the stability of the device's connection.

4. Device status display: You can remotely view the device status so that you can always check the device's operation status.

5. Setting automation tasks: The event information reported by your device (which comes from the devices you added, and the specific configurable information depends on your privacy authorization scope for the device. Each added device will provide the privacy policy related to the device provider's terms and conditions. You can choose whether to agree or not) can be used to create your personal automation tasks.

6. Providing push services: Your account and IMEI number will also be used to provide push services, sending device notifications to the user.

7. Verify user identity: meoof uses ECV values to verify user identity, ensuring that hackers or unauthorized personnel cannot log in. 

8. Collect user feedback: The feedback you choose to provide is extremely valuable in helping meoof improve our services. To track the feedback you choose to provide, meoof may use the personal information you provide to contact you and keep records. 

9. Send notifications. We may use your personal information from time to time to send important notifications, such as notifications about abnormal device operation status, device push notifications customized by you (depending on the specific devices you purchase and add), changes to our terms, conditions and policies. 

10. Camera permissions (only applicable to specific services/functions): Used for user avatar, pet image settings, etc.


Direct market promotion

We may use your email address, meoof account, and mobile hardware identifier (such as IDFA, IMEI) to provide you with promotional materials related to meoof company and business partners' products and services (providing network, mobile applications, and cloud products and services). In order to provide a better user experience, we will recommend the above products, services, and activities based on your purchase history, website browsing history, birthday, age, gender, and location information. We strictly comply with the relevant regulations on personal information protection in China and require independent and explicit permission, so we will only use your personal information with your consent or when you do not object. 

You have the right to terminate our use of personal data planned for direct promotion. If you wish us to stop direct promotion to you or no longer wish to receive certain categories of promotional content, you can contact us to resolve your request by sending an email to We will not transmit your personal information to our business partners for direct promotion.


We share your information with whom? 

We will not sell any personal information to third parties. 

We may disclose your personal information to third parties (as defined below) in order to provide the products or services you request. We will share personal data with suppliers or agents who serve us for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. For example, companies we hire to provide data analysis services may need to collect and access personal data for statistical and analytical purposes. 

In such cases, these companies must comply with our data privacy and security requirements. In all the various situations described in this section, you can rest assured that meoof will only share your personal information with your authorization. Your authorization to meoof will include sub-processors who perform various types of personal information processing. You should be aware that, in any of the situations described below, when meoof shares your personal information with third-party service providers, meoof will establish third-party practices and obligations through contracts to comply with applicable local data protection laws. meoof will contractually ensure that third-party service providers comply with privacy standards applicable to them under your jurisdiction.


Shared with third-party service providers

For smooth business operations and to provide you with all the functions of our products and services, we may disclose your personal information to other affiliated companies of meoof (involving communication, social media, technology or cloud services) or our third-party service providers (telecom companies, data centers, data storage facilities, customer service providers, advertising and promotion service providers, affiliated companies or other third parties) (collectively referred to as "third-party service providers"). Such third-party service providers may process your personal information on behalf of meoof or for one or more of the above purposes. When using certain mobile applications on our devices, we may share your IP address with third parties to provide you with some services you request. If you no longer wish us to share this information, please contact us at


SDKs integrated by third parties

In order to adapt the meoof mobile application to be used on different types of mobile devices and third-party platform services, to achieve verification of your mobile device identity, device security, receive message push notifications, log in to third-party platform accounts, and share information through third-party platforms, meoof mobile application integrates with third-party SDKs. The providers of the aforementioned third-party SDKs include mobile device manufacturers, social platforms, and communication service providers. Some third-party SDKs may access your device permissions and obtain your related information in order for you to use relevant functionalities on different mobile devices or third-party platforms. The types of device permissions called by different third-party SDKs and the information obtained may vary, and may include obtaining your location information, reading/writing your external storage card, reading your mobile device status and identity, viewing WLAN connections, and retrieving running applications/bluetooth. Regarding the specific types of device permissions called by third-party SDKs and how your personal information is collected and used, it is recommended that you refer to the related service agreements and privacy policies of the third-party SDKs. The following is a specific explanation of third-party SDKs:


WeChat Open Platform SDK 

Purpose: To access the WeChat Open Platform SDK, supporting WeChat authorization login, WeChat sharing. 

Data type: Device identification information. 

Official website link:


Bugly SDK 

Purpose: To integrate Bugly SDK in order to collect APP crash information, better and faster optimize APP, and solve the BUGs encountered by users during use. Data type: Device identification information 

Official website link: 

Privacy policy link:


Umeng SDK 

Function/Service: Push messages to users who use meoof

Website link: 

Privacy policy link: 

Required Permissions: View WLAN connection; Read external storage card; Startup; Read phone status and identity; Write to external storage card; Retrieve running applications. 

Types of personal information collected: UMeng+SDK and push channel SDK integration (such as Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu), push channel SDK needs to collect device identifiers (IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information, etc.) to uniquely identify devices for sending messages to user devices. Collection of geographic location to determine the push channel and improve the coverage of message push.


Information that does not require consent

We may share anonymous information in aggregated form with third parties (such as advertisers on our website) for commercial purposes; we may share general usage trends of our services, such as the number of customers in specific demographics that purchase certain products or engage in certain transactions. Without limiting the foregoing, meoof may collect, use or disclose your personal information without your consent to the extent and in the manner permitted and required by law (such as to comply with a subpoena), and may disclose your information without your consent when we may in good faith believe it is necessary to protect our rights, your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to government requests.


Security Guarantee

Safety Measures for meoof 

1.  We promise to ensure the security of your personal information. To prevent unauthorized access, disclosure or other similar risks, we have implemented reasonable physical, electronic and management measures and processes to protect the information we collect from your use of the "meoof" app. We will take all reasonable measures to protect your personal information. For example, when you send or receive information from meoof devices to our servers, we ensure that it is encrypted using secure socket layer (SSL) and other algorithms.

2.  All your personal information is stored on secure servers and protected in controlled facilities. We classify your data according to importance and sensitivity and ensure that your personal information has the highest level of security. We ensure that employees and third-party service providers who access this information to help provide products and services to you have strict contractual confidentiality obligations, and if they fail to fulfill these obligations, they will be disciplined or terminated. Similarly, we have specific access control measures for cloud-based data storage. Overall, we regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to prevent any unauthorized access and use. 

We will take all feasible steps to protect your personal information. However, you should be aware that the use of the internet is not always secure, so we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information transmitted in both directions over the internet.

3. We will take corresponding measures for personal data leakage, such as reporting the leakage phenomenon to relevant regulatory agencies, or in certain cases, notifying data subjects of the personal data leakage behavior in accordance with applicable laws (including data protection laws in your locality).


You can do the following

1.  You can play a role in protecting your personal information by not disclosing your login password or account information to anyone unless they have your formal authorization. Whenever you log in as a meoof account user, especially on someone else's computer or a public internet terminal, you should always log out when the session is over. 

2.  meoof is not responsible for any security breaches caused by third-party access to your personal information due to your failure to maintain confidentiality. Despite the above provisions, if there is any unauthorized use of your account by any other internet user or any other security loophole, you must notify us immediately. Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information."


Retention Policy

If necessary to achieve the purpose of collecting information, or to comply with applicable legal requirements or allowances, we will continue to retain personal information. If there is a reasonable reason to believe that retaining personal information cannot achieve the purpose of collecting personal information, we will no longer retain personal information, or delete personal information in a way related to specific individuals. If it is for the public interest to further process information for archiving purposes, scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to applicable law, even if the purpose of further processing the information does not match the original purpose, meoof may further retain the data. 


Access to other features on your device 

Our applications may access certain features on your device, such as Wi-Fi network status. This information is used to allow these applications to run on your device and to allow you to interact with them. At any time, you can revoke permission by closing the application at the device level or contact us through email


Your Rights

1.  Open or close location access function; 

2.  Log in, log out, or cancel the meoof account; 

3.  Access, query, update, correct, delete, or restrict the processing of your personal information. 

If you have previously agreed to our use of your personal information for the above purposes, you may access, query, update, correct, delete, or restrict the processing of your personal information at any time. When you update your personal information, we will respond to your request within the time frame specified by applicable data protection laws and regulations.

4. Withdrawal of Consent: You may contact us to submit a request to withdraw your consent for the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal information that we have or control. We will process your request within a reasonable time after you make the request, and based on your request, we will no longer collect, use, and/or disclose your personal information. Please note that withdrawing your consent may result in certain legal consequences. Depending on the scope of your withdrawal, this may mean that you cannot enjoy meoof's products and services. 

5. Account Cancellation: You can send an email to to request the cancellation of your account. After receiving your application email, we will provide you guidance on how to cancel your account, and you can follow the instructions to cancel your account. Before you cancel your account, we will verify your account information. You acknowledge and understand that account cancellation is an irreversible action. After you cancel your account, we will delete your personal information, except as otherwise provided by law and regulation.

6. Transfer of personal information outside your jurisdiction: If we need to transfer personal information outside your jurisdiction, whether to our affiliates (involving communication, social media, technology and cloud services) or third-party service providers, we will do so in accordance with applicable law. In particular, we will ensure that all such transfers comply with applicable local data protection laws by implementing appropriate security measures. You will have the right to know the appropriate protection measures meoof has taken to transfer your personal information. When you choose to use other third-party services in this product and service, such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant voice services, third parties may read your relevant information, and your relevant information may also be transferred to third-party servers outside your jurisdiction. You agree to such transfer in this scenario.

Other regulations

Update of privacy policy 

We will conduct periodic reviews of our privacy policy and may update it to reflect changes in our information practices. If we make significant changes to this privacy policy, we will notify you via email (sent to the email address associated with your account), through the meoof app or via mobile device notification so that you can learn about the information we collect and how we use it. Such changes to the privacy policy will become effective from the date of notification or as specified on our website. We recommend that you regularly check this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of our products, websites, mobile and/or any other device services will be deemed as acceptance of the updated privacy policy. We will seek your consent again when we collect more personal information from you or when we wish to use or disclose your personal information for new purposes.


Do I have to agree to any third-party terms and conditions? 

Our privacy policy does not apply to products and services provided by third parties. The 'meoof' App and services may include third-party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites. When you use these products or services, your information may also be collected. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read the privacy policy of the third party, just as you would read our policy. We are not responsible for how third parties use the personal information they collect from you, nor can we control its use. Our privacy policy does not apply to other websites linked through our service.


Social media (function) and widgets. 

Our software includes some social media functions, including buttons and widgets, such as the 'share' button. These features may collect your IP address and the pages you browse on our website, and may set cookies to make the corresponding features work properly. Your interaction with these features is subject to the privacy policy of the companies that provide them.


Contact Us 

If you have any opinions or questions about this privacy policy, or if you have any questions about meoof's collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us via email: 

Company Name: Guangzhou Miao Culture and Technology Co., Ltd. 

Registered Address: 2nd FloorNo.188 Kaitai Avenue,Huangpu District, Guangzhou. 

Office Address: 2nd FloorNo.188 Kaitai Avenue,Huangpu District, Guangzhou. 

Contact Information: Robin Liang +86-13922196150.


Thank you for taking the time to learn about our privacy policy!